2020. március 27., péntek

Xella ytong

Xella ytong

Ytong aerated concrete is a brand of the century: Now, one of the strongest brands in the building materials market, that has long been a guarantee for the best thermal insulation and solid quality. Ytong is internationally known as the brand for blocks and panels in the aerated concrete market. This newly developed large format block offered unheard of dimensional accuracy at the time and could by used to construct an almost seamless wall using thin-bed mortar.

Xella at a glance Portrait of Xella. The dimensional accuracy of Ytong blocks make them also ideal for use with thin joint mortar. The new Ytong block is already being well received in Denmark. Because it has a number of advantages to offer: Firsly tthe higher demands on the energy efficiency of residential buildings can be very easily met with this product.

It achieves its high thermal insulation with an equivalent. Ingatlanfejlesztőknek. Nakupovanie na eshop. Svoj obľúbený pracovný nástroj kúpite na kliky. Dnevi odprtih vrat.

Vsako leto skupaj z lastniki in izvajalci odpremo Ytong hiše v gradnji za ogled in zbiranje raznovrstnih informacij. Vsi, ki načrtujete ali le sramežljivo razmišljate o gradnji hiše, prizidka ali prenovi ste dobrodošli. The main difference resides in the fact that Multipor is a very light aereated concrete, and therefore non-combustable, robust, water vapour. The blocks however are smaller in size and because they are aircrete are substantially lighter – which suits some projects.

Whether it’s a house, shop, large apartment building or industrial structure, you can build it all yourself using the Modular Building Solutions by Xella. Ytong si MULTIPOR au game de materiale de constructii pentru zidarie si izolare termica gandite pentru eficienta si durabilitate. Descopera site-ul nostru!

Xella ytong

Ytong cellenbeton is een licht, natuurlijk bouwmateriaal, gemaakt van kalk, cement en zand. De grote hoeveelheid gesloten cellen met daarin stilstaande lucht geeft Ytong producten unieke eigenschappen en verwerkingsvoordelen. Hierdoor bouwt u met Ytong snel, flexibel, voordelig en arbeidsvriendelijk. Voor elke kleine of grote uitdaging is een.

Ytong pórusbeton építési rendszer és a Silka mészhomoktégla termékek gyártója, valamint a Multipor ásványi hőszigetelő rendszer magyarországi forgalmazója. YTONG и Multipor до вас! Because of its excellent load-bearing capacity, AAC blocks and panels can be used as building stones or prefabricated components.

Xella ytong

But autoclaved aerated concrete is also wonderful for interior work, such as stairs or firewalls. Il calcestruzzo cellulare è costituito da materiali naturali - sabbia, calce, cemento, acqua - miscelati e lasciati maturare. Ytong è un sistemi costruttivo in calcestruzzo cellulare aerato autoclavato: ignifugo, traspirante e isolante. Costruisci e Ristruttura con Ytong.

Ciepłe bloczki z betonu komórkowego Ytong , akustyczne ściany Silka, innowacyjne ocieplenia płytami izolacyjnymi Multipor. Zdrowe materiały budowlane do domu jednorodzinnego. Ytong este primul brand de materiale de zidărie din lume si are peste de ani de experienta ca si solutie pentru pereti de zidarie termoizolanta din beton celular autoclavizat (BCA). Ytong pune la dispozitie o gama variata de produse de zidarie care sunt oferite in sisteme complete destinate atat constructiilor de case unifamiliale, cat si cladirilor de locuinte multifamiliale sau comercial.

Xella ytong

Ytong BU sunt modulate cu restul elementelor de zidarie, iar folosirea lor reduce timpul de executie si costurile pe santier, prin evitarea folosirii metodelor de cofra re traditional e. Its reaction to fire is nil and it is completley incombustible.

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